December 2013 |
Cover Article:
Encounter With an Angel 
We typically think of the honor God bestowed on Mary in choosing her to be the mother of the Messiah. But Patty Ntihemuka reminds us of a more somber side of the story.
Signs online features this month
How to Develop a More Meaningful Prayer Life  Randy Maxwell, who has written several books on prayer, shares some thoughts on how you can find more meaning in prayer. Less Debt, More Joy Does the Christmas season leave you depressed over credit card debts you'll be paying off during the next 12 months? Gordon Botting suggests ways to deal with this problem. The Greatest Gift  Nancy Canwell promises that this Christmas you have received a special present from Jesus Himself. Food Matters: The Health Benefits of Cherries
The Man Who Composed Messiah Handel's Messiah is often performed at Christmastime. Jay Sheen discovers the story behind its composer. A Place Called Home As Christmas draws near, Aleta Bainbridge shares the meaning of home and the One who made His home with us. A Special Gift at Christmas God sent a little token of His love to Rose McCormick Brandon during a difficult time in her life. The Real Jesus You've heard the expression, "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild." While this is true, Vanessa Pizuto shows us another side of Him. Beating Back Obesity It's become the biggest killer all around the world, but Charles Mills gives us some strategies to combat it. I Think I Can—But It Won't Be Easy Are you having a hard time breaking a bad habit? Curtis Rittenour says you'll be more successful if you think it's hard. Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? Loren Seibold says that Christmas greetings aren't the front line in winning the world to Christ. Jesus is. Blessed to Receive Christmas is the time when we give. But Jean Liebenthal's story reminds us that accepting a gift is sometimes the greatest present we can give. The Law of the Garbage Truck This story, which came from an e-mail someone sent us, is a good lesson on how to deal with angry people. Living With Children: Mistakes Parents Make
Bible Discovery: God—the Greatest Giver
Your Bible Questions If God knows everything, does He not know whether I will go to heaven or hell?