Signs online features this month
Freedom From Addiction  Do you struggle to overcome a besetting sin? How can God help you to deal with it. Why the Virgin Birth Matters  So long as we have faith, do we really need to believe in the supernatural and incredible claims of Christ? An Angel's Story  Penny Estes Wheeler "listens" as an angel explains where evil began and gives a synopsis of the conflict between good and evil on our planet. Food Matters: Going Raw
What Jesus Wants for Christmas What if you set out to get a gift for Jesus this Christmas? Would it be much different and much bigger than anything we give each other? The Christmas Gift A one-and-a-half-year-old daughter taught her mother a lesson about Christmas that she'll never forget. The Tiny Foot A touching Christmas story that's true, well known, and well worth repeating. Children of the Indian Ocean Beneath the beauty of the land, Sri Lanka has very real issues of poverty and abuse. Death—and Then What? Some people say you go to heaven, others that you go to the grave. What does the Bible say? The Message of Christmas What is the main reason for Christmas? Minutes Matter In the heart of a child, one moment can last forever. Accept a challenge to take that moment. Nuclear Family Fallout With divorce rates and the number of single-parent families rising, we may be heading toward disaster. Christmas in a Concentration Camp If something bad has happened to you, perhaps Corrie Ten Boom's story can help you—just as it helped her—to understand why. Bible Discovery: Good News at Christmas
Living With Children: Rules and Relationships
Your Bible Questions If every eye will see Jesus at His coming, why don't the wicked dead rise until the thousand years are finished?