November 2018 |
Cover Article:
Fooling With Time 
We divide our time into days, weeks, months, and years—and God intended that we should do so.
Signs online features this month
When There Will Be No Atheists  The time is coming when there will be no doubt. Was Luther a Prophet?  An interesting question with a surprising answer. God’s Perfect Gifts They’re exactly what believers need. Living With Children: Toilet Training
Kevan’s Journey as a Backpack How the kindness of friends reveals the kingdom of God. The Inflammation–Depression Link Practical ways to lift your depression. Doing Everything Right . . . Finally What does that mean when it comes to your health? Please, Have a Chair When faith is more than just a theory. Romance, Job hunting, and Salvation What is Jesus doing in heaven right now? The Burglar Nobody is too bad for God to save. The Pale Blue Dot We’re tiny, but incredibly significant. Dealing With Thoughts and Feelings
Religion in the News
Food Matters: An Unhealthy Vegetarian?
Discover the Bible’s Answers to Your Questions