November 2010 |
Cover Article:
Toxic Faith, Healing Faith 
God asks us to trust Him, believe in Him, have faith in Him. Unfortunately, some people get it wrong.
Signs online features this month
Is the Devil Real? The devil is real, and he has sinister plans for us, but we have access to a powerful deterrent and defense. A God Who Sings  Music is one of the most powerful of human experiences. God invented it. Spending Sabbath With God  Here's a reflection on what the Sabbath means to the author—and what it can mean to you when you make a point to really keep it. Living With Children: The ADHD Diet
Regaining Control of Your Life We've all been told that what we think can determine how we feel. But managing our lives can go much deeper than that. The Fountain of Youth Here's the author's secret for living a life into the 90s—and living it well. God Wouldn't Want Me the Way I Am Have you ever felt that you simply weren't good enough for God to accept you? 5 Steps to Salvation People who feel alienated from God sometimes think their situation is hopeless. Here's how you can be—what Christians call—saved. People Get Ready Are we ready for the train that's a-comin'? The Perfect Hero Here's a look at the only perfect Person to have ever walked on earth and how He means hope for all of us. Illiteracy and Women Erna Johnson tells of how a group of women is trying to improve the lives of other women and their communities around the world. All He Wanted Was a Friend Bullying is a major problem amoung teens. Here's the story of one bully who learned how the victim feels. The Pastor If you belong to a church, an unknown author tells a story that can help you to understand your responsibility as a member. Food Matters: Food for Moms-to-be
Bible Discovery: Looking at Jesus
Your Bible Questions God commanded Noah to take seven pairs . . . of every clean animal into the ark. What were those animals?