October 2014 |
Cover Article:
Making Sense of Tragedy 
Tragedy often happens without warning, leaving the victims and their families suffering with grief. Curtis Rittenour shares some thoughts on how to deal with it.
Signs online features this month
Open Windows  Are you curious about the meaning of the Christian tradition of tithing? Did God Create the Devil?  Many Christians have wondered why God didn't create Lucifer so that he couldn't rebel. Why Baptism Matters  Isn't it enough to accept Jesus as my Savior? Why do I have to be baptized? Doug Batchelor responds to these frequently asked questions. Food Matters: The Antiasthma Diet
You Are My Sunshine Maddison Fox, Ross Grant, and Julie Hoey believe that when it comes to being sun safe, we may have gone too far. Seven Secrets of Commitment Even at its best, life is stressful, but Patricia Maxwell tells how to be happy even in today's crazy, mixed-up world. War of the Worlds Nancy Canwell investigates the war that began all wars—and our roles in the ones that follow. Like Father, Like Son? Behavioral scientists Gary Hopkins and Daniel Handysides tell us how fathers can play a vital role in preventing their children from engaging in risky sexual behaviors. Poetry in Motion Mark Trodd made an interesting discovery one day while reading the Bible. Restoring Balance Braden Blyde tells how one family received opportunities for a bright future that they otherwise would never have had. Restoring Balance Braden Blyde tells how one family received opportunities for a bright future that they otherwise would never have had. Knowing and Accepting Truth Lina Maevis reflects on our human tendency to believe what we want to believe and reject what's inconvenient or unpopular. Jesus Doesn't Go to Church John Baxter tells of an unusual day when Jesus met Jesus. Giving Love We're accustomed to giving gifts at birthdays and at Christmas time, but Victor Parachin tells a story about the best gift of all. Bible Discovery: Hunger Games in Reality
Living With Children: Head-Banging Toddlers
Your Bible Questions Why did God cast Satan and his angels to our planet?