August 2014 |
Cover Article:
How to Overcome an Addiction 
Are you struggling with a bad habit that you would desperately like to overcome? Marvin Moore shares some thoughts you may find helpful.
Signs online features this month
How to Recognize a Counterfeit Miracle  The Bible says a lot about miracles, including the false kind. Cezar Luchian explains how to tell them apart. What Is a Soul?  Some philosophers and scientists believe that our value as humans is no greater than that of any other animal. Ed Dickerson responds to this claim. Full Access to God  Did you know that you don't have to be afraid of God—that in fact you can come to Him boldly? Food Matters: Demystifying Tofu
God on the Run Is it possible to live a fast-paced life and still have time for God? Esther Bailey thinks so, and she provides some tips for doing it. How Did Jesus Spell Success? Kenneth Wade points out that by modern standards, Jesus would have been a dismal failure. But we can be glad that he abided by his own standards! Strong Love Raising a disabled child is tough, and most of us have little or no knowledge of the difficulties involved. Louise Inglis shares her secret of coping. Noah's Hope Clifford Goldstein asks, What does an ancient story about a worldwide flood tell us about our world today? 10 Fun Family Activities A family that exercises together stays healthy together. Andrew Cate outlines how you can enjoy family fitness and fun. A Bright Hope Curtis Rittenour explains why the resurrection is an encouraging teaching for those who face death. Joy Amid Poverty Braden Blyde shares the stories of three people and why they have a reason to smile. Bitten by a Taiwan Cobra Handling poisonous snakes is dangerous. Gary Tolbert knows! And he draws a powerful spiritual lesson from what happened. A Legend of Creation George Vandeman tells an ancient story about why God made human beings with the ability to create things that are both beautiful and useful. Bible Discovery: Rejoicing in Our Heavenly Mediator
Living With Children: How to Get 'Em to Make Good Grades
Your Bible Questions Will the unborn who die because of abortions or miscarriages have a place in heaven?