August 2013 |
Cover Article:
The Fear of Death 
Life is precious to most people, and death sounds so ominous. Ed Dickerson shares some thoughts on how he's dealt with that fear.
Signs online features this month
Can You Afford Not to Forgive?  Has someone you care about hurt you? Arlene Taylor looks at the health implications of holding a grudge. Not According to Plan  Nancy Canwell explains why things go wrong in our lives and what has been done to fix them. God's Show-and-Tell  Teachers sometimes have children bring objects to school to show their classmates. Marvin Moore points out that God did something similar for ancient Israel. Food Matters: Why You Should Eat Slowly
Ears to Your Health Hearing loss is often associated with dear old grandpas at audiology clinics, but Carolyn Rattliff Reid tells us this isn't always true. Giving Without Spending Brice Emley asks, "Do you feel like you're too poor to make a difference in someone else's life? Maybe you're richer than you think." A Spiritual U-turn Loren Seibold points out that the issue with your spiritual life isn't how far you are from God but which direction you're going in your relationship with Him. The Faith of a Scientist Braden Blyde speaks with chemist and author John Ashton about why he finds the argument for intelligent design reasonable. Midnight Assault What happens when you come face-to-face with a robber? Fern Babcock lived to tell her family's unusual story. Murderers Find Jesus They may have been found guilty of murder, but they were still allowed to go home. Blessed Are You When People Insult You and Persecute You What happens when you step into a lions' den? Scott Wegener shares his experience in doing just that. Where Do My Sins Go?
Bible Discovery: What's Wrong With Human Nature?
Living With Children: Kids That Fight
Your Bible Questions How can the angels stand to observe all the calamities and suffering in our world?