July 2015 |
Cover Article:
How to Deal With Depression 
Marvin Moore says he's struggled with depression much of his life, and he shares some ways he's learned to deal with it
Signs online features this month
Water, Please  Does your soul thirst for something you just can't quite put your finger on? Evidelia Gómez may have the answer. A Promise and a Piece of Paper  Nancy Canwell asks, What personal qualities of a husband and wife will especially help their marriage to succeed? What About Unanswered Prayers?  Have you ever said a desperate prayer that God didn't seem to answer? Skip MacCarty responds to the disappointment you feel when that happens. Living With Children: Negative Child
The Einstein Myths According to Derek McCutcheon, while we all may not have Einstein's intelligence, we can possess better brain health. The God of His Success Going from NASA scientist to film producer is quite a step. Melody Tan spoke with Harold Finch about the secret of his success. From Problems to Purpose Faith Toh tells how a radio listener found a better goal in life. Simply Huss Six hundred years ago Christian Reformer John Huss was burned at the stake. Harold Harker looks at the background of this tragic event. What to Expect When Jesus Returns Is Christ's second coming a genuine hope that Christians can look forward to, or is it pie in the sky? Mark Finley comments on this question. Parenting in a Disneyland World Brain expert Arlene Taylor shows us how to raise a child in a want-it-now environment. God Leads in Mysterious Ways Have you ever questioned God's leading when life's circumstances were painful? Laurice Durrant shares three stories that can give you hope. Slash Your Grocery Bill With food prices getting higher and higher, Gordon Botting shares strategies to protect your wallet. Trusting God When Life Turns Cold Laurita Jacobson shares a childhood memory that illustrates God's care for His children when life seems to turn against us. Food Matters: A Cruciferous Crush
Bible Discovery: More Than "a Piece of Paper"
Your Bible Questions Is it a sin to work on the Sabbath or to allow your employee to work on the Sabbath?