June 2016 |
Cover Article:
How Evil Began 
The origin of evil is one of the most perplexing issues theologians try to deal with. Mark Finley points out the Bible’s answer to that question.
Signs online features this month
The Transforming Power of Graciousness  Judy Hammersmark shares some thoughts about what it means to be gracious and how you can incorporate that quality into your own life. How We Got the Bible  There are many religious books that could have made it into the Bible. George Knight tells us why there are only 66. A Puff of Smoke  According to Loren Seibold, even seemingly mundane behaviors have huge spiritual consequences. Living With Children Parenting a Grandchild.
The Ultimate Identity Theft And you thought people being able to steal our identities was bad! A Peak Unto Ourselves The hidden dangers of individualism. High-Impact Sports and Your Brain Arlene R. Taylor warns about the danger to the brain in sports that cause severe head injuries. Our Deepest Fear Fear is both friend and foe. The End of the World . . . Again? According to one prediction, 2016 will mark the end of the world—the day God “puts an end to sin.” Kim Peckham investigates the truth—or falsehood—behind it all. Flourishing in Cambodia Why paying people a fair wage matters. God’s Memory Bank Nancy Schafner tells about an incident in her life that helped her to understand a Bible text that had puzzled her. Night of Miracles Rosie Boom didn’t know that God would use her final exam to help save a little girl’s life. Teens and Credit Cards As a teen, Jill Genobaga learned the hard way the result of misusing a credit card. Now she gives advice to other teens on how to use the plastic wisely. And What Then? An unknown author tells a story that reminds us of a question we’ll all have to answer someday, and the sooner the better. Religion in the News
Food Matters: The Healthiest Spreads The Healthiest Spreads Your Bible Questions