May 2013 |
Cover Article:
Can You Forgive and Forget? 
Many people struggle to forgive someone who hurt them deeply. It isn’t easy, but with God’s help it’s possible.
Signs online features this month
Confusion in the Cemetery  Many Christians today misunderstand what the Bible says about death. Why is the biblical evidence important? Where's My Miracle?  Why would God choose to heal one person and not another? How to Work the Second Coming Into Your Schedule  It's easy to let our preparation for Jesus' return slip by day after day. What can we do today to prepare for His return someday? Living With Children: Sharks
Flying High A pilot's father shares some lessons on faith that he learned from his son. Lunch in a Big City Lounge A chance encounter in a big city taught Sonja Larsen something most unexpected. The Bible in Our Own Language Glenn Townend recalls the story of one of his ancestors who was especially responsible for translating the Bible into English. Clean Water for Uma Tolu A clean water supply has changed one community for the better. Better Health at Work The workplace environment can place your health at risk. So what can you do about it? The Easy Way Doing right can sometimes be difficult. How can you make the task easier? Meeting Your Deepest Needs Are you discouraged about life? There are ways Jesus can help. Children and Choices You can help your children make mature moral decisions. Here's how. The Power of Forgiveness Forgiveness can have a profound influence on the life of an offender. Bible Discovery: The Bible: God's Promise to Us
Food Matters: Salt Increases Blood Pressure
Your Bible Questions Will Christ abolish marriage at His coming?