April 2010 |
Cover Article:
Is He Alive? 
The story about Christ's resurrection flies in the face of all modern scientific knowledge. Nevertheless, Seth Pierce explains why it's still believable.
Signs online features this month
Reason for Joy  Christ's disciples felt utterly crushed by Christ's death. Lowell Cooper shows how their joy at His resurrection can be ours too. What to Expect When Jesus Returns  Is Christ's second coming a genuine hope that Christians can look forward to, or is it a pie in the sky? Mark Finley comments on this question. Dead Men Can't Save You!  The author reflects on our mortal human condition and inquires whether immortality is possible. Food Matters: Getting Gluten-Free Fiber
Only Vegetables Most people think of a vegetarian as someone who doesn't eat meat. But the author points out other kinds. Oberammergau: A Town of Passions The author traveled to the small German village of Oberammergau to witness what could possibly be the world's longest running play. Worship: It's Your Choice According to Ursula Hedges, the choice is not whether you worship. It's who or what you worship. Old Bull, Young Bull What do African elephants have to do with reducing at-risk behavior in young people?
Beginnings and Endings The history of our world is characterized by beginnings and endings. The Day Sin Lost Its Power: How Christ's Death Solved the Problem of Sin Loren Seibold tells us why the story of Jesus didn't end with His crucifixion. Adopting a Clinic in the Solomon Islands Kevin Price tells how volunteers are helping to provide health care facilities that will save lives. How Much for God? In the story of the widow's mite, Jesus told His disciples that she had given much more to God than all the rich people who gave only a portion of their wealth. Bibile Discovery: Irrational Faith?
Living With Children: Potpourri
Your Bible Questions What is the explanation for the differing accounts of Christ's resurrection in the four Gospels?