March 2015 |
Cover Article:
How to Deal With the Fear of Terrorism 
We're horrified at the senseless terrorist attacks that can cause us to feel afraid, even from a distance. Loren Seibold shows us how to conquer that fear.
Signs online features this month
While I'm Waiting  Tammy Darling reflects on the valuable lessons she's learned as she waits for a cherished desire to be fulfilled. God of the Second Chance  How does God relate to sinners who fail—who sin even though they're struggling to overcome? Does Grace Do Away With Law?  It's a question that theologians have debated for centuries. Curtis Rittenour shares a biblical answer. Living With Children: School Hours for Teens
The Next World Are you tired of living in a world with pain and suffering? Shawn Boonstra tells us what we have to look forward to. Raising Contented Kids Karen Holford shares some tips on how to help your children grow up thankful for what they have. Who's Afraid of the End Time? The Bible says that a terrible time of trouble will precede Christ's return, but Trudy Morgan-Cole explains why we need not be afraid. Where There's Smoke, There's God Can God help you to overcome an addiction? Connie Cameron assures you that He can, because He helped her. His Final Meal Nancy Canwell finds hope in the meal Jesus shared with his disciples the evening before He was crucified. 9 Facts About Jesus' Second Coming Have you ever wondered whether people will be alive on earth when Jesus returns? Doug Batchelor answers this and other questions about that event. Dads and Daughters Aleta Bainbridge points out the important influence that fathers have on the emotional and social development of their daughters. 7 Ways to Walk Smart Walking is the most popular form of exercise. Weight-loss coach Andrew Cate looks at how to get the most from every step. High Tide Do you feel bound to a sin that you can't seem to overcome? Henry Coffin tells a story that illustrates the solution to that problem. Food Matters: Calcium From Plant Foods
Bible Discovery: The Last Supper Is Not the Last
Your Bible Questions Is it true that we should not pray the same prayer every single day?