March 2005 |
Cover Article:
Putting Fear in Its Place
Irrational fear holds us back from personal growth and keeps us from taking reasonable risks. But Carol Cannon points out that fear can be healthy.
Signs online features this month
My Mother's Hands "I was baptized when I was ten, and I asked Jesus to be in my heart forever. But the words my mom shared with me that morning will live in my heart and mind forever." Karl's Surprise Susan Peabody was desperate. Her son was making all the wrong choices. He finally told her what caused him to turn his life around, because she'd never have guessed it.
Friend to Friend CĂ©leste Walker lost a friend—and realized she'd also lost one of life's greatest opportunities. She wishes she could turn back the clock. Power for Living Do you want your life to be different? Do you want a better tomorrow? Are you tired of a religion that doesn't work? Miguel Valdivia suggests a way to make change happen. You Can Survive the Tribulation! Ed Dickerson argues that God's people will go through the tribulation during earth's final crisis, and for a very good reason. Is Obedience Legalism? Yes, legalism can be a problem with the Christian's relationship to God's law, but it doesn't have to be. Doug Batchelor explains why. The God of Extra Help Alden Thompson sometimes gives his college religion students an opportunity to earn "extra credit." And he points out that God also provides extra help for us when we need it.