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Signs online articles about Marriage

Marriage: Better Than Ever
Marriage is a hot topic these days. Ed Dickerson looks at the trends of the past few years and compares them with what the Bible says about marriage.
The Cute Couple
They obviously were deeply in love.
Mastering Your Marriage
A psychologist has discovered some foolproof techniques for a successful marriage. Trafford Fischer shares three of them.
Nine Ways to Guard Your Home Against Divorce
Divorce can nearly always be avoided. Victor Parachin offers nine suggestions that can help you keep your marriage intact.
The Dos and Don’ts of Workplace Romances
When your eyes meet across a crowded staff room . . .
Romancing the Brain
When it comes to being in love, we usually blame the heart rather than the head. This may be a misconception.
Living Together: Does It Work?
Common sense would seem to suggest that people "try each other out" before taking that leap at the altar. However, Sergio Torres shows that the evidence tells otherwise.
Does This Tie Still Bind?
There is a question that is being asked more and more frequently these days: Does the piece of paper matter?
Re-sparking the passion
What does it take to re-spark the passion in a relationship?
Our Last Argument
Joe Seay and his wife had a terrible fight that could have destroyed their marriage. Instead, it strengthened their marriage.
Marriage and Family
What makes marriage a marriage a good marriage? Rodney Woods found a unique way to answer this question.
The Secret of a Happy Marriage
Getting married is quick and easy. Staying married takes a lifetime of careful planning. Here are some practical suggestions.
The Wedding That Almost Wasn’t
Janet Lynn Mitchell loved Brad, but there was a problem. Then she discovered how prayer and a change of attitude could work a miracle.
The 6 stages of marriage
The seasons of our life impact the nature of our relationships.
How to Keep Your Home Happy
Life's "busyness" can make home miserable instead of happy. The author offers some suggestions for ensuring that doesn't happen in your home.
Frantic Family
Family psychologist John Rosemond, director of the Center for Affirmative Parenting in Gastonia, North Carolina, gives advice on how a young family can overcome what he calls "Frantic Family Syndrome."
Sinister Love
Antonio Estrada analyzes the causes of domestic violence and shares information on what you can do if you’re caught in this trap—or know someone who is.
“I Do Choose . . .”
George Sperry and his wife were at the point of divorce. Then he realized that his marriage really depended on a choice he could make.
Divorce and Remarriage—and Kids
Family psychologist John Rosemond offers advice on a couple of the tough situations that face parents who try to rebuild lives and families after recovering from divorce.
I Finally Gave My Heart
For some people, accepting Jesus comes easily. For others, it takes time. Sometimes a long time.
How to Be an Imperfect Family
But be the best you can!
A Promise and a Piece of Paper
Nancy Canwell asks, What personal qualities of a husband and wife will especially help their marriage to succeed?
Finding a Gem
Insights on how to find the treasure of a good spouse
Intimacy Gone Wrong
Pornography is everywhere—and God says it’s wrong. But what if you’re already hooked?
How to Be a Better Man
The Secret to being a real man, says Victor Parachin, is to learn the fine art of kindness.
The Search for Intimacy
Strengthen your marriage.
Tips for a Happy Marriage
Faith, hope, and love are the strands of a sustaining cord in relationships.
Baby Steps
Instilling values in your children
The Power of a Promise
The importance of marriage vows
Marriage: Is It Important?
Is marriage "just a piece of paper," or is there something abou tit that goes beyond the marriage license? Ed Dickerson comments on this critical question.
Growing a Stronger Marriage After Losing a Child
How to survive the devastation
8 Ways to Create a Strong Marriage
You have to work at it, but it’s worth it.