The Hour of God's Judgment Clifford Goldstein points out an important truth about God's judgment of the world: it will take place in heaven prior to Christ's second coming.
Judgment of Love The topic of God's judgment has brought fear to the hearts of many Christians. There is no need to fear.
Who's Afraid of the Judgment? Some Christians think God is a fearsome Judge who's "out to get them." But John Brunt explains why no one needs to feel afraid of God's judgment.
Who Is on Trial? The Bible paints a very clear picture of judgment taking place in heaven. The article explores who is judged, who is judging, and what the outcome will be.
When Will God Judge the World? The Bible makes it clear that God will judge the world someday. But when will that happen?
Answers for Everything Understanding Revelation's judgment scene at the end of the Bible.
The Purpose of God's Judgment in Heaven Christians sometimes call Christ’s second coming “the great judgment day,” which it surely will be. But Marvin Moore asks whether that’s God’s only judgment mentioned in the Bible.
A New Look at the Judgment Some people feel frightened at the idea that God will judge them someday. David Bissell had an experience that relieved him of that fear.