Current Issue

Signs online articles about Father

Challenging God’s Reputation
It’s horrible, and it’s wrong.
Who Made God?
Philosophers and theologians have debated this question for millennia.
The Father
He wants you to come home.
A Father’s Love
Sometimes justice is the best expression of God’s love for us.
God's Love for Sinful People
Ellen White reflects on God's love for sinful human beings—a love so great that He gave His Son to save us.
Can God Stop Loving Me?
It’s so easy for us humans to think that we’re too bad for God to accept us.
Finding the True God
The crucial quest
Fearing God
A lesson in total trust
Is God a delusion?
Nobody has ever seen God. Scientists can't prove that He exists. Can we really believe in Him?
Paradigm Shift
The truth about your Father
Is God in Charge?
If the answer is yes, are all of our choices predetermined?
What Kind of Father Is God?
God has always been like Jesus.
God’s Memory
How an all-knowing God forgets