What Revelation Says About Armageddon Most people today have heard about the battle of Armageddon. Marvin Moore explains what the Bible says about this war of all wars.
When You Can't Buy or Sell Clifford Goldstein examines Revelation's cryptic prediction about economic boycotts in the light of current events.
Economic Hard Times: A Biblical Prediction? As the world slides toward economic depression, people are asking whether Bible prophecy predicts it. The author examines the evidence.
What Will the Antichrist look like? Will you recognize the antichrist when he shows up? The author's reflections will help you to avoid the deception.
What Jesus Said About the Last Days Some people still believe the world is getting better and better, but the author points out that Jesus dispelled that idea some 2,000 years ago.
Preparing for Crisis The Bible predicts that a shaking time will precede Christ's second coming. The author asks, Are we ready for it?
Why the Middle East Is Such a Tinderbox The part of the world we often speak of as “the Holy Land” seems to be in a continual state of turmoil. Ed Dickerson explains why.
When It Will Be Forever Too Late Will human beings be able to accept Jesus throughout eternity? Why will the opportunity end someday?
Armageddon: Is It About to Happen? The war has been going on since time began. The editor asks the key question: Are you ready for the final battle—spiritually, that is?
Good News About the End of the World Millions of people have their focus on December 21, 2012, as the end of the world. The news is far better than that.