The Truth Is Out There Is there an ultimate truth, or does our knowledge constantly change with new information? Loren Seibold asks what this means for our understanding of the Bible.
The Story of the King James Version The King James Version is the most widely read BIble in the history of the English Bible. Here's the story of how we got it.
Can You Trust the Bible? It's a Book written several hundred years ago. Is it still reliable today?
God's Bestseller No book has ever sold as many copies as the Bible—and it keeps on selling! Nancy Canwell explains why it's so popular.
Finding Hope and Help in the Bible When you need advice, the Bible is a great place to begin. The author shows how, by examining several texts that provide wise counsel.
Why I Believe the Bible Is God's Word to Me Charles Mills looks at several ways we can easily misunderstand the Bible and how he has come to accept it as God's Word to him.