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Most of us have experienced the discomfort of a bloated belly. While foods such as beans or onions may get the blame for excessive gas build-up in our insides, there’s rarely one trigger or single food that causes the problem. However, most bloating can be managed through lifestyle and diet.

what causes bloating?

Bloating happens when the organs in your digestive system are stretched, which can be caused by a build-up of gas or solids in your gut. Other causes include a slow digestive system, weak muscles in the abdominal wall, and when the diaphragm contracts instead of relaxing.

what are the symptoms?

In addition to the uncomfortable feeling of a tight, stretched tummy, other symptoms include cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and gas.

how to ease bloating

Get moving. Gentle exercises, such as walking and stretching as well as breathing exercises, can help get your bowels moving and get rid of gas.

Enjoy a soak. In addition to providing relief from stomach pains, a relaxing, warm bath may help to get your digestive tract working and ease the stress that can make bloating worse.

Check it out. Recurring bloating can be a sign of food intolerances or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). If you have a persistent problem, it’s always best to see your family physician or a dietitian.

try these things to avoid bloating

Avoid swallowing air bubbles. Swallowing too much air can cause bloating, so take time to chew your food well, avoid soda drinks, and skip the gum.

Limit salt. A diet that’s high in salt can cause your body to retain water, making you feel bloated, so skip the salt where possible.

If these strategies don’t work for you, or if your bloating doesn’t ease within a day or two, see your doctor.

eating tips to ease bloating

Eat small and often.

If eating a larger-than-usual meal causes you problems, try to eat smaller meals more often to keep your digestive system moving and comfortable.

Limit fruit.

Keep your fruit intake to the recommended two to three servings per day. Avoid fruit juices and smoothies because these are concentrated sources of fruit sugar, and some fruits may trigger bloating in a sensitive gut.

Love your gut.

If constipation is the cause, eating extra fiber can help get your bowels moving and ease the bloating. Just be careful to increase your fiber intake gradually because increasing fiber intake too rapidly may cause some bloating at first. This is natural and a good sign that your gut bacteria are well-fed and working.

Article courtesy of Sanitarium Health Food Company. Visit and subscribe to Wholicious Living for more great health and nutrition info each month.

Health Matters: Ways to Ease Bloating

by Sanitarium Health Food Company
From the March 2021 Signs