Current Issue

Cover Article:

Preparing for the Coming Global Crisis

A crisis will strike the entire world in the future. How can you be ready for it?

July 2020

Signs online features this month

The Conditions for Baptism
Some steps you should take before you get in the water
The New Jerusalem Comes to Earth
An imaginary journey
8 Ways to Create a Strong Marriage
You have to work at it, but it’s worth it.
Health Matters: Top Tips for Heart-Healthy Living


Signs subscribers can also read these articles in the print edition of the July 2020 issue

Young Enough to Lead
When a true prophet speaks, listen up!
Helpful Hygiene
It makes all the difference.
From a Pawn to a King
God moves in mysterious ways.
More Like a Dog

Are You a Car or a Computer?
Two ways to think about human nature
The Spring in the Tank
What to do when all your water tanks are empty and it’s summer
“Pray Without Ceasing”
You really can, when you know how.
Religion in the News

Living With Children: When Kids Talk Suicide

The Editor Answers Your Bible Questions