Current Issue

Cover Article:

Intimacy Gone Wrong

Pornography is everywhere—and God says it’s wrong. But what if you’re already hooked?

May 2021

Signs online features this month

Will God Destroy the Wicked?
There are two views on that.
Forgiving a Murderer
Befriending your husband’s killer
When You’re Hurt by the Church
It happens all the time. So how do you deal with it?
Health Matters: The Link Between Diabetes and Dementia


Signs subscribers can also read these articles in the print edition of the May 2021 issue

Cookie Christianity

Transforming Love
Love is deep and abiding.
Are You Coming Back?
She learned an important spiritual lesson at a ball game.
Finding Hope and Help in the Bible
Practical advice that can help when life gets difficult
Out of the Tomb
What the Bible says about death.
Putting Satan in His Place
The story of his arrival and departure from our planet
Will We Recognize Each Other in Heaven?
Or will we have to learn who everyone is all over again?
Kindness Always Pays!

Religion in the News

Living With Children: The Head-Banging Two-Year-Old

The Editor Answers Your Bible Questions