Current Issue

Cover Article:

Alcohol: Is Moderation OK?

Can a daily glass of wine help your health? Or is the research faulty?

September 2017

Signs online features this month

Why Bother With Church?
Are churches ever perfect?
Hey, Dad, I Love You
Being a dad is a huge responsibility.
How to Set Your Clock for the End of Time
The importance of being ready at all times for critical events, the most important of which is Christ’s second coming
Food Matters
Best Diet for Diabetes

Signs subscribers can also read these articles in the print edition of the September 2017 issue

Let There Be Peace on Earth
There’s quite a difference between a peace lover and peacemaker.
The Mad Max Apocalypse
Destroyed by water, soon to be destroyed by fire, earth is on the brink.
Running the Race
The Bible describes the life of the Christian as a race—one in which everyone can win.
Our names don’t need to define us, but for anyone called a “Christian,” there’s no escaping it.
Hope Amid the Violence
The world is a sick place. And according to the Bible, it will stay that way until Jesus comes.
Dee Dee, the Escape Artist
We have boundaries for good reasons.
Daring to Care
A volunteer midwife helps Thai families make a better start in life.
God’s Star
A child discovers that the stars declare the love of God.
Religion in the News

Living With Children
Blended-Family Nightmare
Answers to Your Bible Questions