April 2018 |
Cover Article:
More Than a Dream
Signs of the Times® marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.
Signs online features this month
The View From the Cross Forgiveness was given on an outcrop just outside Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate. Judge and Jury Will God be on your side in the judgment? The New Birth What did Jesus mean when He said we need to be born again to inherit eternal life? Living With Children: Teen Boys and Video Games
In Praise of the Ordinary Is it possible to embrace our ordinariness yet strive for excellence? Jesus Talk Even sincere Christians feel guilty when they violate their consciences, but should they? Watch for Jesus Would you recognize Jesus if you were to meet Him? Forgiveness Personified A story of amazing forgiveness that occurred during the American Revolutionary War. It’s a Conspiracy! What in the world is going on? Death-Defying Faith The thirteenth-century Waldenses loved—and lived—the Bible. And many died for it. Stressed—and Blessed! A new way to look at stress: there’s no greater gift. The Substitute A story that was published in the September 16, 1903, issue of Signs of the Times®. Religion in the News
Food Matters: Cooking With Olive Oil
Discover the Bible’s Answers to Your Questions