Signs online features this month
Why Will Jesus Come in the Clouds? The Bible describes how Jesus will return to earth for a good reason. Why Jesus’ Death Matters Why Jesus’ death has more meaning than anyone else’s What Communion Means to Me Insights learned from a four-year-old Living With Children Stepparents and Child Discipline
Courage in a Crisis A mother senses a problem, but it takes courage to act. Eating Healthy on a Budget Steps to a more healthy (and wealthy) you What Is Pacificism? Hacksaw Ridge threw a spotlight on the issue: how to serve your country and your conscience. Do Christians Have to Keep God’s Law? There’s a clear difference between the law of the Old Testament and its various rules and regulations. Of Metal Detectors and Miracles Science is simply the wrong tool to explain certain biblical truths. The Third Temple Prophecy Do events in Israel mark the beginning of the end time? Where Is Jesus’ Tomb? Who really knows, but, then, does it actually matter? Nomophobia Insight into a worrying trend Some Good, Some Bad Many people neglect their salvation on flimsy pretexts. Religion in the News
Food Matters Anti-inflammatory Eating Your Bible Questions