January 2014 |
Cover Article:
Will We Ever Escape Our Planet?
Today, even scientists are urging us to get off our planet. But Clifford Goldstein says God announced that plan thousands of years ago.
Signs online features this month
Is the Theory of Evolution Scientific? Dr. Leonard Brand, a biology professor at Loma Linda University in California, examines various ways to evaluate a theory to determine whether it's true. Honoring the Ten Commandments Ed Dickerson suggests a reason why God's law, proclaimed from Sinai, became such a hot item that some Christians had to set aside a day to honor it. God's Bestseller No book has ever sold as many copies as the Bible—and it keeps on selling! Nancy Canwell explains why it's so popular. Living With Children: Gifted and Lazy
Why Are You Yelling? Getting mad is easy. The hard part is dealing with it in ways that are helpful rather than hurtful. Tammy Darling offers some practical suggestions. The Emperor's Dream Garth Bainbridge analyzes the historical accuracy of a dream that a pagan king had 2,500 years ago. No Judgment in the Afterlife? Where can we find out about life after death? Mark Finley shares what the Bible says and the hope that it gives us. Deceived by the Antichrist? According to the Bible, an antichrist will appear at the end of time, and he will deceive millions. But Duane Adams says you don't have to be one of them. Old Friends and New Beliefs Ron Reese tells the story of a young man who shared his faith with a friend—and was surprised when the friend helped him out of a crisis. Are You Too Sinful to Be Saved? Some people believe they are so sinful that God couldn't possibly be interested in saving them. Marvin Moore responds to this fear. Five Ways to Be a More Spiritual Person Would you like to have a closer connection with God? Randy Maxwell shares how you can develop a greater sense of God's presence in your life. The New T-Shirts Omar Miranda's wife asked him a question that got him thinking about the special clothes Christ gives us to wear. Bible Discovery: The Bible—God's Sacred Book
Food Matters: Psyllium Power
Your Bible Questions Why did God give Satan permission to destroy all of Job's property and kill all of his children?