August 2007 |
Cover Article:
Harry Potter and Witchcraft
Just as Satan crept into Eden as a snake and deluded Adam and Eve, so he continues today. Is Harry Potter his latest incarnation?
Signs online features this month
The CREATION of a Better Life This acronym is a formula for living life to the full. Can't Wait for Heaven What will heaven be like? How Jesus Taught Humility Communion in its completeness Food Matters The Real Cost of Upsizing
St. Andrews, Home of the Brave Reformers and martyrs have lived and died here. You Shall Not Commit Adultery The seventh commandment stands as a safeguard to your family. Is it one you would care to discard? Jesus Saves! Reflecting on just how it is—and by whose efforts—one gets to heaven. Waving the Flag A flying flag always has meaning. Seeking Out a Prophet From a quaint Old Testament story comes a torrent of truth. Shattered Bagh An earthquake destroyed his home and almost his life. What next? Escape or Energizer? Is faith all about another world or is it about living now? The Surprised Spider Walter Beach compares our life today with an old Dutch legend about a spider. Bible Discovery Building Good Relationships Living With Children The Defiant Daughter Your Bible Questions I want to know if the recent increase in violence among teenagers has anything to do with the signs of the times.