I hate getting sick. Nothing ruins your day like a head cold or a bad case of the flu! It turns out that beating the health blues may be easier than you think. The best way to protect yourself from any disease is to have a strong immune system. This allows your body to fight off viruses and bacteria before they have a chance to take control. Winter is the time to be especially careful to maintain a strong immune system so that your body will be better prepared to defend itself against these dreaded winter bugs. Following are five practical steps that will help your body win the fight against disease this winter.
step one: eat disease-fighting foods
An overall healthy diet will boost your immune system. The following foods will help your body to deliver a knockout punch.
Broccoli is a good source of vitamins A and C and folate, and is also rich in phytochemicals (plantcompounds that have protective properties).
Garlic stimulates the multiplication of infection-fighting white blood cells and also contains the phytochemical allicin,which has antibacterial properties.
Spinach is high in iron and antioxidants.
Blueberries are packed with vitamins C and E and disease-fighting antioxidants.
Oats are high in soluble fiber, which absorbs cholesterol and helps establish a healthy environment in your digestive tract.
Water keeps the susceptible mucus membranes in your upper respiratory tract moist and resistant to infection. rink six to eight glasses a
dayto stay well hydrated.
Pumpkin is high in carotenoids and B-group vitamins.
Soy products contain protein and a wide variety of nutrients. Soy products are also rich in isoflavanoids, which help balanceyour hormone and cholesterol levels.
step two: supplement your diet
To make sure your immune system has all the building blocks it needs to fight off the flu, top it off with specific supplements. The following chart lists some of the most potent flu-fighting nutrients.
step three: be active
There’s a link between moderate, regular exercise and a healthy immune system. Exercise temporarily increases the circulation of antibodies called macrophages—the cells that attack bacteria. Additionally, it elevates core body temperature, which boosts your body’s ability to fight viruses. Exercise also provides indirect benefits, such as reduced stress, reduced depression, improved sleep (unless you exercise vigorously at night), and improved self-confidence through weight management. On the other hand, extended periods of intense training without adequate recovery time can weaken your immune system and increase your susceptibility to illness. It is also wise to cut back on or cut out exercise when you are ill. That will give your immune system the best chance to fight an infection without the additional stress of exercise.
step four: sleep more, less
Sleep rejuvenates your body and helps your immune systemto function at its best. Deep sleep stimulates the thymus gland to produce T-cells—a type of whiteblood cell that helpsreject foreign substances and stimulates the production of antibodies that fight
infection. Sleep also helps your body deal with stress, whichhas a strong influence on your immune system. Stress triggers the releaseof adrenaline and cortisol—hormones that reduce your body’s ability to produceantibodies. That’s why people who are highly stressed get more colds, suffer more digestivetract problems, and have more frequent bouts of fatigue. Aim to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night and practicerelaxation techniques to help prevent stress.
step five: sort fact from fiction
There are a number of myths about colds and flu. To clear up any confusion, here are some facts about these diseases.
MYTH: Stay warm and dry to avoid catching a cold or flu, or to speed your recovery. Colds and flu are directly from person to person, usuallyby touching hands.No one catches a cold without being exposed to a virus.
According to researchers, you can be virtually freezing to death, but you’re no more likely to catch a cold than sitting in your warm living room. Studieshave shown that cold temperature, wet hair, and cold draftshave no relationship to catching a cold. Subjects who were exposed to freezing temperatures, ice-cold baths, and sprays of cold water only caught colds when exposed to viruses, no matter how cold and wet they got. This myth has probably spreadbecause people are more likely to catch a cold or flu in the colder months. However, this has more to do with lower humidity than a weaker immune system in colder weather.
MYTH: One popular old wives’ tale is that you should “feed a fever and starve a cold.” even gets mixed around the other way: starve the fever and feed the cold.The idea is thateating more, or eating less, will
helpyou to get well faster. This myth has probablylasted because whichever way you look at this saying, you will probably be right! However, it’s poor science either way. Let common sense and your appetitebe your guide: if you are hungry, eat; if you aren’t, don’t. A cold or flu can affect your ability to smell, which will diminish your taste, ultimately reducing your appetite,but restricting food does nothingto shorten the duration of a virus,which responds to little except time.
Rather than fasting or feasting, it’s probablywise to take a moderateapproach. Whatever you do about colds and flu, these ailments will usually get better on their own in their own time. The infection gets better despite this advice rather than because of it. Do keep in mind, however,that drinking lots of fluidsis highly recommended, regardless of which approach you take.
MYTH: Sweat and exercise is good for a cold. When you have cold and flu symptoms, attempting to exercise or sweating out a cold may actually allow the viral infection to worsen. Physical activity will restrict immune function, as your body focuses on energy production and musclerebuilding instead of fightingthe virus. Theremay be some truthto the belief that if your symptoms are cold-like and above the neck (runny nose, sneezing, sore throat), it may be safe to exercise. However, if your symptoms are flu-like and include muscle aches, chills, coughing, or high temperature, rest will lead to a faster recovery.
MYTH: Vitamin C will keep you from getting a cold. There’s no hard and fast scientific evidence that taking vitamin C limits your chances of contracting a cold. Vitamin C helps the immune system fight off infections in general, but not necessarily cold viruses specifically. However, taking vitamin C may diminish the duration, symptoms, and severity of some colds for some people, but for other colds, it offers no help at all.
MYTH: Echinacea will keep you from
getting a cold. Despite its widespread use, scientific studies have proved that echinacea herbs or roots are no better than a placeboin preventing colds and upper respiratory infection. However, like vitamin C, it significantly reduces the development of a full-blown cold once you are infected and can decrease the duration of the illness.
MYTH: Chicken soup can cure the common cold. Any soup is a good fluid replacement and, while it isn’t going to get rid of your cold or flu, it might help you feel better. The steamy vapor from any hot liquid will help loosen nasal mucus, clearing up congestion, and letting you breathe a little easier. Other hot and spicy foods are likely to have the same effect, such as chili peppers, mustard, garlic, ginger, and hot curry spices. You won’t be hurt by leaving off the chicken.
MYTH: You can catch the flu from a flu shot. The flu vaccine is made from inactive virus, so you cannot get the flu from a shot. Some people may be sore at the spot where the vaccine is injected, and they may experiencefever or muscle aches, or feel under the weather for a day or two.
MYTH: Antibiotics can speed your recovery from colds or flu. Viruses cause both colds and flu, and antibiotics do not kill viruses. These prescription drugs are only beneficial for bacterial complications, such as sinusitis or ear infections that can develop as secondary infections. The use of antibiotics as a preventative measure will not stop secondarybacterial infections.
Disease-fighting properties
Vitamin C
Increases the production of disease-fighting white blood cells and antibodies,and can help to reduce the severity and duration of a cold in some people.
Vitamin E
High in antioxidants; helps the immune cells to produce antibodies and can help to reverse some of the decline in immune function that comes with aging.
A supplement that fires up your immune helping to treat invasive viruses.
Converts into vitamin A, which has antioxidant and immune-boosting functions, such as the production of infection-fighting cells.
Cod liver oil
A rich, natural source of flu-fighting nutrients, including vitamins A and D and omega-3 oil.
Increases the number of white blood cells, which fight infection in your body.
Has antioxidant properties that help prevent cellular damage from free radicals.